Studio Diary Archive
Posted by Rob Johnson ((Music))

NOVEMBER; Back to the future@Grovesnor, a possible celebrity disease, celebrity cameos, the dark knight the dark knight the dark knight, massive attack, Geoff cooks up a cheesecake, blu-ray, Razia's Shadow and way more stuff I just can't remember....
OCTOBER; An new home for the recording, aka B5, aka THE RANCH... Metro; the world's hardest working drummer... The Empire Strikes Back. "Are you sneezing plectrums now Rob? Just make sure you don't 'pick' your nose." "Don't worry, I Geoffinately won't..." The newfound criminal appearance of GS+RJ meaning that we now get followed in Tescos by moustached security guards - whilst local youths make off with 3 pot noodles and a 6 pack of kit-kats. (Or break into my car - fuckers.) The following pearls shocking revelations from an un-named source: "I got 3 videos on my iphone - that's all you need. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and a porno...." "I've been getting around a bit, I need to get up the clinic or something..." "That's great, but I think it needs more cowbell." Music wise; Guns 'N' Roses, Infected Mushroom, Mike Oldfield, Mute Math...
SEPTEMBER; "In The Patchwork Sky" A Record, by G. Swan, aged 25. Look for it in stores SOON... Robocop having a heart attack... Skewered guinea pigs... Met'fuckin'allica... Sue She...
(3 months in the US...)
JUNE; Geoff Swan's patented "Trilogy of Freshness" (c)2008. Viva La Vida. Hitting switches. Blowin' tweeters, or not as the case maybe... The weekend that was, including in no particular order.... DRUMS, guest vocals, T-rumpetting, (cheers Drew, Mary Spender and The G)... Shia + Damon-Keys, a visit to see a cheeky bit of delica-talent to get GS a few dirty olives, Trevor Horn's short shorts, cobblers, Morgan Freeman, the hardest song ever, GS' magic dust & DCI B. Detective. And the immortal line "would a copy of Falling Down starring Michael Douglas help?"
MAY; The G's birthday amazon vouchers (£75?!), Iron Man/Boy, the nutcracker analogy, track one, the prospect of the LOST season finale, a complete change of pace, coming unstuck...4 bars in 5 hours - Progress? The Joker, Fairground rides, LATIN drums, GS comitting no less than 3 crimes in a matter of minutes, Zack, A.C., Screech and Kelly Kapowski, dennis the MENACE, Dark Knights, Jazz clubs and crossing the fine line into insanity... JOGA, Paolo and Nikki, Lando Calrissian, some more stuff I can't remember.... Bjork, Boards Of Canada, Getting 1/3rd DONE... Pendulum. A visit from BS and Stu. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade... Deep Blue Sea, things that are QUIET/LOUD, Tubular Bells 2, Photography specifically of the Polish variety, Luca, Heavy breathing, More takes than a Cloverfield scene, Gamorrean Guards, a thumbs up from Spider-Man, GS Man Flu, Firebreather by Thrice. This cd being nothing to do with LOST... "Stand By Me", Stairway to Heaven, At World's End, Lost In Translation (I think My Bloody Valentine), Girls from Guildford, War Of The Worlds, SHIKSA! Industrial strength tunnel fans, Death Cab, PUPPETS by Atmosphere being the greatest song in my world at the moment, GS being hardcore and burning candles at both ends, M83 and opening my eyes as to what my RC-50 is actually capable of (thank you whoisjohnnywright) and being thankful I didn't sell it... Narrow Stairs, When Life Gives You Lemons... and Saturdays=Youth. Also Dexter Season 2... Lucy Gallagher as she clearly is a physical gem... Stamping on boxes and copious amounts of handclaps, 300, Crocodile Dundee's didgeridoo...
APRIL; Enya, helicopters, astronauts, the sound of the sea... Kate Bush, Metallica and the Sugababes...