finally! In the studio, (part 1)
Posted by Rob Johnson ((Music))
A highly ambitious and involving project; 'Upon a Painted Ocean' is a grandiose instrumental album that will available very soon. Keep your eyes and ears peeled...
Posted by Rob Johnson ((Music))
Charisma as natural as gravity.
Posted by Rob Johnson ((Music))
So Obama fever is still RIFE here, meaning I'm still inspired to BLOG ACTUAL WORDS so I shall spend a cheeky few minutes at work writing this, SHHHHH DON'T TELL!
Recording guitars tomorrow a la ranch for the penultimate song on the album. For those of you keeping score (anyone?!?) this is ONE of the songs on the cd that features Max Bemis of Say Anything and Two Tongues. Exciting, no?! I shall be video-ing a few little snippets of the "action" to post here at some point in the not too distant future.
Working on some artwork ideas, and exciting ways to introduce this album to the world. (If such a thing is possible). Oh and I set up a twitter too, but I don't understand it yet...
Posted by Rob Johnson ((Music))
yo whatsup?
Long time no update. Blame that beta version of internet explorer 8 I wish I'd never gone near... (credit crunch = no apple mac attack, for now...)
Anyways, internet people are a strange breed, and by internet people I mean those that frequent certain forums - and "critique" everything that comes their way. Their dedication is inspiring, the words are not. "all press is good press kids..." TMc.
So quit your monkeying around, any talk is better than no talk. I think.
Watching Obama today has inspired me to (try) and write more. The man is incredible, the biggest draw on planet earth right now, and I hope he can keep it up. LEGENDS are made and we are witnessing history every day.
My album is nearing completion every so slightly every day. I'm sorry it has taken so long (if there is anyone who may be waiting for it...). We're still trying to make it as good as possible. I'll write more closer to when people will actually be able to hear it. HOWEVER, there will be updates, images, sounds, and videos in the not too distant future somewhere down the pipeline of mystery.
The end is near, soon...
Posted by Rob Johnson ((Music)) in Influences, joker, Ledger, tdk
"I'm not good at future planning. I don't plan at all. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future."
Heath Ledger.
Posted by Rob Johnson ((Music))
“It’s amazing how much you can get done when you don’t tell anyone you’re working.”Billie Joe Armstrong, 2008.